Visiting Ed's


Vibeke's Hanging Garden



This is what I brought home, concord grapes, nectarines, peaches, cucumber, tomato, onion and a full stomach from sampling as we walked along the rows of food.

We visited Ed and Shirley on Saturday after a garage sale that we held.  My granddaughter was delighted in it. 

We walked through the trees, stopped and smelled the roses, picked some bounty, and just plain had a good time.  Thank you Ed and Shirley for allowing my family,  who are city folks,  to learn what a lot in the city can really give at harvest time. 

Ed gave us the tour of the canning area, the way they store the product that they can and just how to use the land and produce to lower the  food bill budget along with the water bill as all his things are on a drip system.

Thanks you Ed and Shirley.  EJR

concord grapes


hot pepper


Peaches and Nectarines