Ed's Fushia Plants

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Photos 5/2003

Fushias are evergreen in frost free climates.  They bloom from early
summer to the first frost.  There are at least 500 varieties with wide
variety of combinations within color range.
The flowers have no fragrance but hummingbirds visit them.
Fushias grow best in cool weather, modified sunlight, and with moisture
in atmosphere and soil.  Water as often as you can.  It is impossible to
give thriving fushias in a well drained container too much water.
Apply complete fertilizer frequently.
You can take cuttings and grow them into
thriving plants in a few months.
If plant is growing bigger than you like, pinch out tips of branches
whenever you can.  This makes the plant bushier.  Pick off old flowers.
Never allow berries to form.  They reduce flower production.
The worst pests in California are spider mites and white flies.  If they
are not controlled they cause leaves to yellow and drop. To discourage
red spider mites
spray undersides with insecticide, orthene
at 5 to 6 day intervals. In the northwest the worst pest is  aphids. Use
any general
purpose insecticide.
Fushias everywhere need some pruning in early Spring.  Cut out
approximately the volume of growth that formed previous
summer.  Leave about 2 healthy leaf buds on that growth.  In Spring
prune out broken branches and cut back into live wood.
Fushias are easy to grow if above directions are followed.
Farmer Ed